Monday, August 6, 2012

I Set A New Personal Record

I have never, EVER been so exhausted, and that includes when I was jetlagged. I think the reason is just that in addition to a great deal of physical stress, I've been feeling a considerable amount of mental stress just worrying about getting to Paris safely. Well, we made it, and we didn't get lost or anything.

Let me give you the abbreviated tour through my day: I spent sixteen hours traveling or waiting to travel, staring at 4:00 this morning and ending at 10:00 tonight. I was worried about luggage weight right up to the very last, but I got in with 19 kgs, which is just under 44 pounds (the limit over here on small planes). Our plane was delayed for a little bit. I slept a lot en route. I realized that I'm not very comfortable being in a country where people speak a language I don't understand. :) I felt a little bit lost when I was trying to understand the train station. I worried that we wouldn't get to our hotel until after dark (but we just made it!). I lugged my suitcase and two carry-ons onto a train and on two different metro lines and up several staircases before finding the hotel. My poor hands are developing blisters.

And yet, Heavenly Father has been with me all day. Even though I was nervous and stressed, he heard my prayers and his Spirit was with us as we traveled. I feel so incredibly blessed to have made it to my hotel without any horrendous mishaps (I'm so good at imagining worst-case scenarios...). I cannot say enough how much he has helped me today.

Well, my whirlwind tour of Paris starts tomorrow, so I need to get to sleep. I have wifi in my hotel now, so I'll be able to contact all of you for the rest of the trip! I'll be back tomorrow with stories of the catacombs and Notre Dame, among several other famous landmarks. Good night!

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