Sunday, June 17, 2012

30 Day Disney Challenge

Day # 15:  The First Movie You Saw

Goodness gracious, how am I supposed to remember that? There has been no end of Disney movies in my life, so I can't even begin to guess which I saw first. guesses. Here we go.

The Little Mermaid was the first Disney movie to come out while I was alive, so my mom and I agree that this was probably one of the first that I saw.

I know for a fact that by the time I was five I had seen Pinocchio and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But then, I'd probably seen most of the early Disney movies at that point. Fun fact! When I turned five, one of my friends gave me a giant, framed movie poster for Beauty and the Beast. It hung on my wall for many years.

Ah, the memories... 

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