Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today's Grand Adventure:

I kissed the Blarney Stone!

 ...Please excuse me while I sanitize my lips.

It was seriously frightening because you lie on your back and lean out over the edge of this giant castle. Fortunately there are bars over the drop and someone to help pull you up. Supposedly kissing the Blarney Stone gives you eloquence, but I haven't noticed anything yet!

Going to Cove now. That's where the Titanic made its last stop before sinking. By the way, church was great! We went to this tiny branch in Cork and met some extremely friendly and awesome people, plus some really cute kids. Normally they only have three to five sisters in Relief Society, so our group with 22 sisters really swelled the ranks!

Also, Blarney Castle is my new favorite place in Ireland. It's beautiful, and it has a garden full of poisonous plants like nightshade and wolfsbane. And caves. Well, more later! I'm seriously parched here. This is the last time I leave my water bottle at home! Oh, and I straightened my hair today. Ok, I'm done.

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